Course Objectives
In recent decades, research has supported what musicians have long understood. Music is a unique and essential element of human experience with numerous cognitive and physiological benefits to those who study it. Although there has long been evidence of the direct correlation of musical understanding to achievement in other academic areas, Howard Gardner was among the first to identify that music is in and of itself a separate form of intelligence. Since then, brain research has continued to reveal that formal study of music as one of the most powerful means of tapping students’ cognitive and emotional potential. Furthermore, participation in an organized musical activity produces the same intrapersonal and interpersonal benefits long attributed to team sports and similar activities.
In accordance with established best practices and the philosophy of the Jobe Band program, students enrolled in band will be expected to demonstrate the skills listed below upon completion of the school year.
Students will:
Demonstrate the correct posture and playing position for their instrument.
Demonstrate proper tone production and instrumental timbre for their instrument.
Demonstrate the physical skills necessary to properly perform their instrument.
Perform accurately and independently musical selections of appropriate difficulty.
Demonstrate proper breathing techniques required for playing a wind instrument.
Demonstrate understanding of proper articulation and stylistic markings and apply these to music.
Demonstrate understanding of all standard dynamic markings and apply these to performed music.
Demonstrate and apply common indicators of tempo.
Identify a variety of common musical terms and apply them to performed music.
Demonstrate knowledge of rhythmic notation and counting in a variety of meters according to accepted practice.
Demonstrate the ability to tune using both aural recognition and electronic measurement.
Identify the intervallic relationships of notes within major keys.
Identify the inherent intonation flaws of their instrument as well as proper methods of compensation.
Demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate both live and recorded musical performances.
Perform at least seven major scales and the chromatic scale by memory and without errors.
Demonstrate knowledge and application of proper instrument care and maintenance.
Demonstrate the characteristics of self-discipline both in class and at home as it relates to proper practice and execution of performance skills.
Demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively and collaboratively with students within a performing ensemble.
Demonstrate proper performance etiquette, both as a performer and as an audience member.
Perform successfully in formal concerts according to established criteria.